Cherylanne Skonicki - Brilliant Balance

042: Three Life-Changing Strategies to Experience Brilliant Balance – Cherylanne Skolnicki

Cherylanne Skolnicki is a former corporate ladder climber turned entrepreneur whose popular personal development programs help women SHINE. As a recognized expert on work life integration, she teaches a breakthrough method to help women better leverage their time to get what they want most. She is a sought-after speaker, a nationally recognized expert on working mothers, the author of a popular blog, one of Cincinnati’s 100 Wise Women, and a Forty Under 40 Honoree. With a B.S. from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from Emory University’s Goizueta School of Management, Cherylanne is the former CEO of Nourish, a home-cooking service for busy households, and a 15 year veteran of Procter & Gamble marketing. While there, she managed a collection of brands, including the billion dollar Gain brand. Her years in a leading global corporation give her first-hand insight into the pace at which successful women today are expected to operate; she is particularly passionate about helping working women find ways to experience thriving well-being despite the rigorous demands of their work and home lives. A native of northeastern Pennsylvania, she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and three young children. Outside of work and family, Cherylanne enjoys entertaining and cooking, running and yoga, musical theater, bright sunny days, strong coffee, and spending time lost in conversation with dear friends. 

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The difference between the unrealistic goal of balance and the empowerment of brilliant balance.
  • How to assess your life through three areas – contribute, connect, and curate.
  • Three strategies to get control of your life – eliminate, streamline, and assign.

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Interview Transcript

Cherylanne, thanks so much for taking some time to hang with us today. I really appreciate it.


You talk a lot about brilliant balance. Not just about balance. Not just about brilliance. But somehow, you’ve got these two words coming together. I’ve never heard those two words put together until I met you. How do you define brilliant balance?

I think brilliant balance was born out of the idea of work/life balance. I was raised in the 80’s, I came out of college in the 90’s and there was this generation of women that was fed a steady diet of work/life balance and I thought that it was the holy grail. As I started moving further into my adult life and working with other women who were in the same chapter of life that I was in, it was very clear that balance was an outdated goal. There was this implication that you could get to this place and then stay balanced and if you didn’t move a muscle, you could stay there. That was not attractive to me at all. My life feels much more dynamic than that. It changes a lot. I have to be able to shift and pivot. And so, this notion of brilliance really was inspired by an ability to hit peek moments, where you can land a pose and know, “That’s it. That’s exactly what it’s supposed to feel like,” and then elevate it above the discourse of balance.

Gosh, I resonate with that so much. You get to that one point where it feels like things are balanced and then, “Bam” it’s gone.

It moves. Absolutely.

I’m a driven person and I often find I’m pretty out of balance when I’m launching something or starting something new. I get super focused on one thing and then it ebbs and flows.

Right. I think brilliance has this implication of being all in. So, when we are standing in our brilliance, we are ‘all in’ in that particular moment. Whether it’s a parenting moment. Whether it’s a personal health and wellness goal. Or whether it’s something in our careers. I think that’s what you’re getting to, you can’t stand in a static place and keep everything perfectly equalized in order to really be all in in any one area at one time.

I know a lot of the women that are listening and life can feel out of control. Whether it’s family or a job, maybe it’s an outside the home job or maybe it’s a stay at home job, and then there’s household stuff. I’ve read multiple articles recently saying that even if a woman has a fulltime job, the majority of household duties are still on her shoulders. If someone is feeling out of control, where do they start? How do they process this?

So, the words “out of control” imply that we’re not the boss of us, right? It implies that we’re not in charge of where our time is going and there is some outside force that is in charge of it. I really think that it starts with a mindset shift back to, “The only one in charge of where your time goes, moment by moment, is you.” I mean, you can feel it. There’s an immediate shift back into agency when you realize, “I literally have complete control over where I spend my time.” Now, you may have to tolerate some discomfort when other people don’t like your choices about where you’re spending your time but ultimately, you have complete control and that’s a very powerful force to harness. I’m almost always starting women with the mindset shift back into personal agency. Telling them, “You are in control,” and this lets you take a deep breath and you can get your feet on the ground and then move into action. So, before you take a single action, it starts there.

I love how you framed that, that feels so good because sometimes it can feel like, “Everybody else has control of my time. My kids have control of my time. My husband, my boss, my friends, the organizations I’m volunteering with, the fricking PTA.”

Everybody, right. So, as soon as you say to yourself, “I’m the one in charge of my time,” the new question becomes, “Well, what would have to be true for me to like the way I’m spending my time?” What we’re really saying when we say, “I’m out of control,” is, “I don’t like how this feels. I don’t like where my time is going. It’s not giving back to me that sense of fulfillment or satisfaction or joy.” So, what would have to be true for that to happen?

For most of us, that’s not floating on a raft in the pool in the Bahamas. That might be fun for three days but it’s really not how we want to spend our lives, right? That lacks that sense of purpose and ambition that most of us are hardwired with. It gets you out of that all or nothing thinking. Like, “I’m out of control and I just want to do nothing.” To, “How would I be spending my time? Where would I be investing it with intention in a way that would feel really good to me?” And then you can start actually making a plan in that direction.

On your website, you have a Brilliant Balance Assessment and I’ve downloaded it and taken a look at it. I’ve noticed that you have three areas that you’re asking people to look at. This should not be just for women, Cherylanne, come on.

That’s fair.

This is for everybody. Okay, contribute, connect and curate. Those are three areas that you’re asking us to think about in our lives in this assessment process. Walk us through those three categories and why you chose them.

This was born out of an earlier framework that I uncovered in my work coaching women. I was looking at, “What are we being told success looks like?” It wasn’t those three things. If you ask women, “What were you told was the pathway to success?” They will tell you, “I’m supposed to do it all. I’m supposed to do every single thing that comes my way. I should say ‘Yes’ to it. I’m supposed to get ahead, climb the ladder professionally. Get a bigger house. Get a bigger car. Have a bigger family. More is more. And I’m supposed to look good doing it.” Those are the three things that women are saying success looks like in this era. In fact, when we pursue those things, we do have a lot of external success. People will look at us and say, “Her life looks amazing,” but there’s an emptiness to it. All too often, it’s leading to anxiety and depression and a sort of isolation. So, I started asking myself, “What’s the other side of it? What is actually the model that leads to, maybe not success so much, but significance and life fulfillment?” That’s when these three C’s emerged.

Contribution is about, “Am I doing work that uses my gifts and talents in service to someone else?” We all have different gifts. We all have different talents. And we all have different communities that we feel called to serve. When we’re doing that, when those things are lined up, that’s where we feel that deep sense of fulfillment. The second piece is connection, and this is really all about authenticity. It’s dropping the veneer of perfection that a lot us have been taught to chase. It’s letting people see who we really are and standing in the confidence that it will be enough and that we won’t be judged or diminished for that. That’s where the true connection comes from. And lastly, curation is the opposite of doing it all. A curated life is about choices. It’s saying “Yes” to certain things and “No” to others. It’s all about picking the collection so that everything has room to breathe. When those three things become governing principals, and when our lives are steered toward contribution, connection and curation, that is where we experience that deep sense of fulfillment that most of us are chasing.

I know in the assessment, you’re asking a number of questions to help us figure out, “Do we feel like we’re contributing to something?” So, this contribution could be work place?

It could be home environment. It could be a volunteer organization?


It could even be neighborhood stuff. So, it’s anywhere where you feel like you’re contributing, using your gifts and you’re enjoying it in the process?

Yes, and you’re also in service to someone else. It’s different then a hobby. It’s not like, “Oh, I’m doing what I like to do all day. I’m out playing golf or I’m playing tennis.” Those may be joyful pursuits, but they’re not necessarily in service to someone else. Contribution has that duality.

Okay and then connection, you said the word “authenticity”. This is a place where I feel safe that I’m not going to be judged and I have that sort of genuine connection with people. That could be where I contribute or it could not be, it could be in a different place?


It could just be connection with family and friends or a workplace environment.

Yes. Most often, connection is with people we would say we love. It’s a small collection of people with very intimate relationships. That true connection, where we’re really ready to drop our guard, is a pretty small audience.

Okay, and then curation is all about selecting the things and the time that I want to invest in all the different areas of my life?

It goes back to deciding what’s in and what’s out? I always use this analogy, and I think this will resonate with women in your listenership especially; if you’re shopping at TJ Maxx, the best dress in the planet could be there. It could be from a top designer but you are never going to know it because it is crammed in sideways on a hanger between 62 other dresses, most of which are terrible. You take that same dress and you put it in a boutique where there are only ten items on display, it has lighting on it and it’s the most spectacular creation ever. But it’s the same dress. The elements of our lives are like that. If they’re crowded in among a lot of things that we don’t like and they don’t have room to breathe, we lose our appreciation for that. It’s really that editing process that gives us back the chance to truly appreciate everything in our lives.

Just in the last week, I had two women in my online coaching course who were both wresting with quitting something. One was quitting a part-time job and the other one was quitting a volunteer situation. They both felt guilty like they were somehow going to let the people down. The moment they quit, the moment they curated, “Bam,” there was freedom and peace. There was this ultimate, “Ahh.” That is such a good feeling, Cherylanne. I love that feeling.

Not only that but when we do that, we create room for someone else who would love to do that thing to step in. Because if you think about this on a really meta universal level, wouldn’t it be amazing if the whole world were operating under that principal? We would all be sorted into the right seats. Today a lot of us, we’re sitting in a seat that’s not ours.

Okay, so after we’ve assessed our life and thought about whether or not we feel good about how we’re contributing and how we’re connecting and how we’re curating, you’ve got three steps to help us work toward this brilliant balance in our life. Can you walk us through those?

The first level of progress is really about getting control over where your time is going. We teach three strategies that you can apply pretty readily to get more control over your time and start to execute these choices. The first one is: eliminate doing something altogether. If you look at everything in your life, you can say, “What are the things I’m just not going to do anymore? Not only am I not going to do them, no one else is going to do them either. It’s just not happening.”

Can you give me an example in your own life of how you’ve eliminated something at some point? Give me some examples here because it could be like, “There’s just no way I could stop doing that. I have to do that. I have to.”

Okay, this is a bit of a hybrid example but maybe it’s not going to a gym outside my house anymore. There was a time in my life when that was really important to me. I had to have the right gym membership and use that gym membership. But that’s exactly what I said, “That’s not going to happen anymore, at all.” Now, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to exercise but the idea of the processes around having a gym membership; transporting myself and all my stuff, getting in and working out, “That’s not going to happen in my life anymore.” Another example for me is a board position. I was serving on a number of non-profit boards. I made a decision that in this chapter of my life, that doesn’t haven’t a place. So, it’s just gone. It’s time that’s reclaimed for other things. There will be a day when I step back into that work because I love it, it’s just not right now.

I also think about the number of kid activities that we chose to enroll our kids in. Oftentimes they don’t even choose it. You know what I mean? We’re presenting that to them. Can you talk a little bit about that? How do we process that?

It’s huge. I mean, I would say I get asked this question regularly when I’m speaking, “Well that’s great if I start to curate my own life and I make these choices. But what do I do about my kids? They’re in 15 activities and all I do is run them around.” So, I pause and say, “Who really made the choice to enroll them?” It’s’ always us.

I’m not saying the child didn’t ask, but they lack context on what the consequences of those choices are. They’re very short term focused and super excited about playing volleyball with their friends. They don’t know that it means they’re going to be at practice three nights a week and they have to drive thirty minutes to get there and they’re in tournaments in four weekends out of the season. They don’t know how to predict that. So, the notion of planning a master calendar and thinking about, “What do you want your family’s life to look and feel like?” That rests with us. Then we have to model the choices so that our children don’t grow up repeating this exact same crazy lifestyle that we’ve all adopted as adults.

I remember when I was a kid, growing up in Kentucky, I played baseball, basketball and football year round. But in that day and age, it was just a season. It was a couple of months and then you moved onto the next sport.

That’s right, and it was close to home.

Right and then I asked to be involved in Boy Scouts and my parents actually said “No”. I really didn’t understand until I had young kids myself. My kids are older now, but of course there was no way. There was just too much going on.

And people will often say, “We never have a family dinner.” Or, “Oh, we’re never home on the weekends and my house is a disaster because we’re never home and I can’t get groceries in the house.” All that’s true. That can be 100% true, but it is a choice and we’ve elected to be in a lifestyle that’s governed by our kids’ activities. So, there’s no right or wrong. It’s just you have to accept the full picture that comes with it. If you say, “Elite sports are really important to our family,” that’s awesome. Just understand the trade-offs and then build your other choices around it, so there’s still room for the stuff you care about the most.

I love that. Know it’s not right or wrong, it’s just, “Hey, you’re going to experience it.” And there can be seasons too. Our daughter played club volleyball for a number of years and we travelled and it was expensive and all that. It was fun but those are seasons that can come and go.

Sure, it was fun and you were willing to trade off the things that come with it because you decided that was your priority. So, going back to that thing I said at the beginning about brilliance being found in striking those key poses, it’s like, “We want to be at that tournament watching her do that thing and it’s awesome and we love those other parents. We are okay with eating takeout because that’s the choice we’re making.” If you’re all in on that, that’s great. What I’m really addressing with my programming is the women who have resentment about that and they don’t like the trade-offs. Now you have to go back and say, “Okay, if I make a different choice, can I get a different outcome?”

And I think a lot of people don’t even realize there is another option. It’s like, “This is out of control. I hate my life. This is crazy.” But you’re right, it’s our choice. Okay, so that’s eliminate, what’s the second one?

The second one is about assignment. This relates to delegating or outsourcing. A lot of us believe that our role as mother, as wife, as an employee, comes with a certain set of rules. And we’re really governed by those rules about what’s ours to do and what we are allowed to ask someone else to do and what we are just not allowed to ask someone else to do. I invite people to revisit those rules and say, “Look, there are pieces of work that you are doing yourself today, that could be delegated elsewhere.” And by delegate, I mean, there’s no extra cost. You’re just getting someone else to do it. Outsourcing on the other hand, that’s where you’re paying someone else to do it. So, these are both options when it comes to assignment.

Okay, give me some examples of things that women might say, “I could not delegate or outsource that. I just know there’s no way.”

Making dinner. So, some will say, “It’s my job. I’m the parent. I can’t ask the kids to help with this. I can’t ask the kids to help with cleaning the house because they’re so busy and they have homework and that’s really my job as the mom.” Also, driving kids to activities, “It’s my job as the parent to personally drive them to these activities. I couldn’t ask somebody to help us with driving.” Again, there’s a range of extremism here. There are some women who are very happy to delegate a lot of those things and some who will hold onto all of it and say, “That’s just my job. I’m the mom.”

Outsourcing opens a whole new can of worms, because now you get into money and you’re really asking yourself, “What is time worth in this system?” So, outsourcing could be as simple as using a grocery store’s online ordering system, where you just go pick them up instead of having to go through the whole grocery store. It could be getting somebody to clean the house or mow the lawn or do the laundry. There is a big spectrum of things that can be outsourced and honestly there are way more things than we think. At the highest level, my highest level clients, we’re working with them on hiring a personal assistant who does a lot of the errand running for them.

Most women can come up with five dollars to do online grocery store ordering but they’ll resist it and say, “I don’t want to need to pay somebody five dollars. I can go. What is it to go to the Kroger?” But they’re going seven times a week, parking their car, going inside, buying the things and you add that up, it’s hours and hours a week over a five dollar decision. So, the “what I can or should do” narrative gets really loud, especially when we start thinking about paying someone to do some of that work for us.

When our kids were small, we paid somebody to put them to bed. It was just painful. I’m kidding, but it was painful.

I know and that would be a sacred parent job, right? We are not going to outsource that. Although, you can talk to women who’ve had night nurses and the emotion that it stirs up for them to say, “I have a newborn who’s not sleeping. I have a fulltime job and I’m going to hire a night nurse to basically get this child to sleep.” It’s a fantastic decision for some women, but very emotional for just the reason you brought up.

Man, that is an emotional decision, yes. That’s good. Okay, and the word “streamline”,

help me to understand that concept.

This is the third strategy and I think this is the “You can teach old dog new tricks” idea. We were all taught certain ways of doing things; doing the laundry, making dinner, paying bills. I call them mom jobs. These are household jobs that just have to be done. And so, if you can go back and reassess how you do each one of those to look for efficiencies, you can often get it done in a much shorter timeframe. I have a classic laundry system that we teach inside my program and women say to me, “It’s just a gamechanger.” It changes the way they manage laundry.

You’re teaching Home Ec in your courses? Are you kidding?

We’re literally talking about laundry.

You’re teaching laundry? You’re out of control.

I know, but you know why? These women may be partners in their law firm or they may be top doctors in a hospital or they’re a really gifted teacher who are working with high school students. Whatever their career is, they’re still confounded by laundry. You’re still coming home and saying, “This is inescapable. Every time I turn around there’s another load of laundry.”

It multiplies.

Right. So, the reason that’s in our programing and there’s a whole series of household hacks that we offer. Because those jobs, when you can learn how to do them more efficiently, are multipliers of time savings. You’re saving time every day, right? So, this is another example we use all the time: knife skills in cooking. Now, people are like, “What? What are knife skills? You work with these high impact women on their knife skills?” Yeah, but here’s the thing; if you never make a salad because it takes you four years to cut up a pepper and cucumber and some lettuce, you’re on the takeout wagon. If you learn some basic skills that allow that to be really fast, you don’t have any resistance to putting healthy food on the table.

Sometimes you really have to keep double clicking until you get to, “What’s the root cause of my resistance? I don’t have an efficient process for doing this and so I’m trying to avoid it and then it gets to be a backlog.” Streamlining is really powerful and that comes into play for anything that’s left over. Once you’ve eliminated and once you’ve outsourced, every single thing that’s left, you’re looking for, “How can I do this in less time?”

Okay, so I’m trying to get this whole brilliant balance thing going and my partner says to me, “Ugh, why are you doing this? What’s up with this?” Do you hear this?

All the time. Every day.

Every day? Okay, I’m not just making these things up in my head. This is real. What do you say to them? How do you walk through this?

I think it depends on what the source of the resistance is. There is usually a couple of big areas that it shows up in. One is, “Wow, your life is starting to look really different than mine. You are starting to be an agency. You’re making choices. You’re moving things forward and I am afraid I’m going to get left behind.” Now, that is never articulated. That is never something that is going to get said out loud. So, what I’m coaching my women to do is look for where that is in the water. Where is the distance between the two of you becoming greater? Because you’re on the path of growth and they’re not. The pathway through that is really about reassurance that you’re not getting left behind, “You’re welcome to come along. You’re welcome to not come along, but this is the path I’m on. It has nothing to do with outgrowing you or abandoning you.” That’s unfamiliar territory and it’s a pretty uncomfortable conversation, but it’s also a really important one that can reground the relationship.

The other place we see it is when it has to do with money. A big source of resistance will be, “Well, you’re either asking me to do more things through delegation or you’re asking me to agree that we’re going to spend money on some things that I don’t want to do.” And so, we’ll get the response, “I’ll just help you do it. I get it, you don’t want to do the laundry. I’ll do the laundry.” And I usually say, give it three weeks. It rarely lasts longer than three weeks but you have to circle back and say, “Let’s do three weeks. Let’s see how it goes.” And then often he doesn’t have the time either and the whole household is stretched.

So, illustrating through time studies and some other tools that we do, “What is the time investment that we’re putting in here? Is it reasonable that I’m going to continue to do this? What is it coming at the expense of?” In other words, “What are we not doing because I’m spending all this time on these tasks?” And then, “How would we together repurpose that time?” This can often can get somebody on board. Especially when we start small with things like the five dollar grocery order. Start with the small win, and then you can work your way up to the bigger wins. Usually the financial piece is the second one that gets in the way.

And you know, David, if you listen to what I really said there, in both of those cases, it’s about a courageous conversation. It’s not assuming that he knows what you’re trying to do. It’s not assuming that it’s obvious. It’s sitting down and saying, “I want to make it clear that this is about our whole family and what we’re trying to accomplish together. We’re on this journey together.” That conversation puts you on the same side of the table instead of having a dichotomy.

Do you encourage women to have that conversation early in their coaching process as their processing this, rather than later or in the middle? How does that work?

It’s really unique to the individual relationship. Some people don’t need to have it at all. It’s just the nature of the relationship. Some women hold this work very sacred and they don’t want to share it. They want to keep it until there’s a reason or until there’s a conflict that arises. It’s really about them and they want to keep it very private. Other, it’s a family journey from day one and they’re all in; sharing assignments and sharing some of the frameworks with their spouse.

What have I missed in this process? What’s the question that I should have asked you? I don’t usually ask somebody this but I feel like I’m supposed to ask you today. What did I miss here?

I think maybe what we didn’t cover is, why does it matter? Why do we want this? And from my vantage point, the women that we work with are very high achieving. They can often look back in their life to a time when they were a rock star. They’re like, “I was like on top. I was on my game. Everything was great and then it broke.” Often after they had children. Not always but that’s often the inflection point. It’s like, “I just couldn’t quite get it all back together again.” And they have this deep yearning to get back into that gear where they’re really operating at their highest level of potential. So, for me there’s this journey of reconnecting with that sense of accomplishment and confidence and ambition that they once had.

They’ve almost always already had that experience and so they know what it felt like and it’s gone but they don’t want it to stay gone forever. So, the “why?” is, “If I don’t have an intervention here and learn a new way of operating that gives me a similar feeling that I’ve had before, the risk is I spend the rest of my adult life with a dimmer switch on.” And for these women, that’s not okay. It’s not okay to feel like, “I settled for less than what was possible for me.” So, that really is the emotional state that I would say we’re helping with. I don’t think it’s okay to settle either. I think you should go be someone who’s operating at your highest potential. We want to equip you to do that, but there’s nobody teaching us how to have a new framework in this next chapter of life.

I love that you’re not just talking about mindset things and strategy, but you give super practical stuff like laundry and outsourcing. That’s just super helpful.

And it’s both.

Yeah, it’s coming together. It can’t be just either or.


Okay, so I know that you just had a two-day event in Cincinnati. Is that right?


Tell me about this event. I know it’s too late. Right now, it’s May 2019, this will probably come out in June. Next year you’ll have another one, right?

Yeah, we think we’ll have one in the fall as well. So, we’ll let you know if we have dates announced for the fall.

Okay, tell me about the event.

It was amazing. We called it Brilliant Balance Live and the intention for the event was, I wanted to give women an experience of what the brand stands for. We know what we mean, but if you’re not inside as a coaching client, you don’t necessarily fully get it. You don’t really understand what we’re trying to communicate. We don’t have as much time with you. So, it’s a two-day immersion where we can bring you in and give you visually and experientially, “What is this brand about?” And we teach the basics of the framework. What are the steps you have to put in place to get to that state of standing in your own brilliance? The challenge for us was, can we do this in two days? “I don’t know. We’ve never done it before.” So, we did it and it was amazing to watch this group form relationships and make the mindset shift from, “I don’t think it’s possible. I think this is as good as it gets and I’m just going to have to figure out how to tough it out through this chapter.”

Deal with it.

Right. “That’s my goal in life; deal with it.” The mindset shifted to, “It doesn’t have to be this way.” And, “I may not be ready to take all these actions, but I have a new belief that it’s possible that I could take a different set of actions.” Some of the women came out of the event saying, “Let’s do this. I’m ready to do this now,” and they’re on a path of action. And others were saying, “Okay, I got it. I’m really chewing on everything that I heard here and I have to find my courage and my readiness to start putting those actions in place.” It was fantastic in our ability to bring it to a much broader audience and to share what the essence of the brand is with all these women. I’m super pumped to do it again.

If someone wants further help, how can they get connected to you? Do you do virtual coaching across the United States? I want people to get connected to you.

Yes, thank you, that’s so kind. I would say what we do is content coaching and community. If you look at what the Brilliant Balance model is, you can get free content or you can get the upgraded content that’s behind our coaching programs. We do personalized one on one mentorship and coaching and then there’s this amazing community of women that you can plug into.

Our signature program is called Breakthrough, and the easiest way to understand what it is and what it offers, is to watch our webinar. We have a free webinar. It runs about an hour; we keep trying to shorten it but if they go to www.cherylanneskolnicki.com/webinar, they can register for a timeslot and learn what this model is and hear some of the examples of women who’ve been through our process. I think it makes it a much more real picture of what we are really doing behind the scenes and then they can decide from there if they want to have a conversation with our team.

Great. Okay, so we’ll put that link in the show notes. You can obviously find it on your phone right now if you’re listening or on our website at www.insporising.com. One last question for you, what are you wearing today? Is that a blouse or a dress? I love the little, white – what do you call those little doohickeys?

I don’t know. It’s like an eyelet or something up there. You’re so funny.

Is it blouse or is it a dress?

This is a dress. It’s Lilly Pulitzer. We had an event at my daughter’s school today. So, I’m wearing my fancy dress.

End of the year?

Yes, end of year. My eight year old was dressed up as Amelia Earhart today for a full presentation and it was awesome. She was so great. They’re dressed in these Halloween costumes in an auditorium and they’re all set up with their display boards and they’re sweating to death because it’s eighty degrees here today. But it was great fun watching them. They were wax museum characters and they had to narrate their presentations.

You have three kids, is that correct?

I have three, yes.

Do you mind sharing their ages?

Fourteen, eleven and eight. At three o’clock this morning we sent my fourteen year old off to Washington, D.C. for her class trip. I kid you not, 3 a.m. And then the eleven year old, we call him our American Ninja Warrior fan. He is stoked because they’re coming to Cincinnati and he’s praying to God he gets tickets. And then my eight year old is the caboose and she was Amelia Earhart today.

All of that, three kids and you’re brilliantly balanced. Look at that.

It comes and goes, like it does for everyone, right? But I think that’s it. The embodiment of it is, can you stayed focused on the peak moments? That’s what gives you the tolerance for the days that are a little more sideways, because you know that next peak moment is coming and you can keep your eyes on that.

And you just had a peak moment, where you struck the pose at your event. What a great event. Those are so fun, congratulations. We’ll point everyone towards www.cherylanneskolnicki.com/webinar. Thanks so much, Cherylanne.

Awesome, thank you.

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